Black is Beautiful

"Church Mothers"

Please note this is the original & it is no longer available

As a little girl, I didn't understand why the "old women" at church wore their hats, suits, slips, pantyhoses, smelling like mothballs and always having a pocketbook full of peppermints, until I began hanging around them with my grandmother. Their hats were a symbol of confidence, their suits represented looking your best at all times, their slips were an inner layer of protection during the winter months, the smell of mothballs came from their homes to protect their clothes from bugs, etc., and the peppermints were there just in case their sugar dropped. Over the years, I learned they did everything for a purpose.

The "Church Mothers" can provide so much wisdom, if you listen.

For I will be like the "Church Mothers" live with a purpose and purposed to live! 

$250.00 16x20 Canvas

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